Mrs. Brieanne Glaicar

Hi! My name is Brie Glaicar. I am so very excited to be continuing my second year teaching at Edgerton Public School come fall. As an English Language Arts and Inclusive Learning enthusiast, I can't wait for another fulfilling year splitting my time between the elementary end teaching 3/4 science, 5/6 ELA, 3-6 social, 3-6 options, and grade 10 options, and the rest of the school as the Inclusive Learning Lead. Like the wind, I will be everywhere!
I consider myself truly blessed to have completed both of my student teaching placements at our amazing school under the strong mentorship of Brande Manzer. I love being a part of this incredibly positive and caring learning community, being surrounded by our dedicated and passionate staff, and spending my days with your amazing kiddos! In my spare time, I can be found walking my furbabies, Knox and Shep, satisfying my sweet tooth with treats from Herbies, and tending to my lawn & flowers. As always, please don't hesitate to connect with me!